Still need a hotel? Use the link below and be included in our official GABF Hotel Block.
aRes Travel is a third-party travel planner. Rates, deposits, and cancellation policies may vary and are the responsibility of the guest. Questions on hotel policies or payments made on aRes website should be directed to the aRes Reservation Center or to the hotel directly.
If you booked through ConferenceDirect / Passkey prior to September 16th your reservation information has been officially sent over to your hotel. Please contact your hotel directly for any questions or changes.
2024 Housing/Cancellation Policies
Reservations at posted rates ARE NOT accepted by calling the hotel directly. Reservations will require a valid credit card and two (2) or more guests in a room may be subject to an increased room rate. No more than two (2) reservations per name are allowed.
- ConferenceDirect, will charge a $50 cancellation fee for all room cancellations made from April 29, 2024 through July 28, 2024.
- Beginning July 29, 2024 through October 9, 2024, an $80 cancellation fee will be charged for all room cancellations.
- The above charges will appear on your credit card as, “CONFDIRECT*GABF24” should you cancel your reservation.
- No hotel deposit is required at the time of reservation, but a valid credit card is required.
- If you do not cancel your reservation prior to the hotel’s cancellation policy, the hotel will charge you a non-refundable penalty of one (1) night’s room and tax. Please check with the hotel’s cancellation policy to confirm.
For group bookings, please submit a sub-block request here or contact ConferenceDirect: at greatamericanbeerfestival@nullconferencedirect.com.
Need to contact? ConferenceDirect at (888) 980-8837 or greatamericanbeerfestival@nullconferencedirect.com
Attendee Scams
ConferenceDirect is the official housing bureau for the Great American Beer Festival. Through this partnership, we have negotiated the best possible rates near the Colorado Convention Center. Attendees and Brewers can obtain discounted rates by reserving through the official housing reservation system.
If you are contacted by anyone other than ConferenceDirect, please note they are not endorsed by the Brewers Association. Despite their claims, they do not have access to our negotiated discounted rates. If you make a reservation with any company other than ConferenceDirect, Brewers Association cannot guarantee your reservation is valid.
The Brewers Association does not ever sell or give away membership or attendee email contact information. No company is authorized to distribute or sell any lists for the event. Brewers Association does not rent, share or sell your attendee contact information to third parties.
Hotel Scam Warning
Conference Direct is the official housing company of Great American Beer Festival (GABF). GABF is aware of companies pretending to be the “official” housing company, offering special non-refundable rates at official event hotels, and requesting credit card information.
Contact by any other housing company or hotels should be considered a scam. All attendees, sponsors and exhibitors should be aware that no one from the Brewers Association, GABF or Conference Direct solicits directly by telephone for hotel bookings or special discounts.