2024 GABF Competition

The Great American Beer Festival competition celebrates brewing excellence. GABF awards are among the most coveted in the industry and heralded by the winning brewers in their national advertising.

GABF Medal winners posing

Competition Info

View general competition information, including how beers are evaluated and the Great American Beer Festival awards philosophy.

GABF medals leaning against a glass of beer

Dates & Deadlines

See brewery registration and shipping deadlines for this year’s competition, as well as judging and awards ceremony dates.

Registration Open June 11- July 12, 2024

judge filling out results form with beer sample cups on the thable

Official Beer Styles

Familiarize yourself with the style category list, descriptions, and specifications for this year’s competition.

competition winners posing on stage

Eligibility & Fees

Review important details about brewery eligibility, entry pricing, and guidelines for competing.

competition medals laid out on a table

Brewery of the Year

warehouse full of boxes of beer to be shipped

Shipping Competition Beers

Here’s everything you need to know to ship your competition beers for judging. Please read carefully!

GABF medals over top many images of winners on stage

Promote Your Win