Collaboration Competition

people raising beer glass

The Great American Beer Festival Collaboration Competition is an opportunity to celebrate the spirit and community of American commercial craft breweries as they team up to share great beer making ideas. GABF Collaboration entries are served during the Great American Beer Festival at the Collaboration booth.

How the Collaboration Competition Works

Brewers Association member breweries are eligible to submit Collaboration Competition entries with their partner brewery(-ies). Collaboration entries will be judged during the GABF professional competition by the same judge panelists, in a best of show format, with entering brewers specifying the beer styles of their entries. The GABF Collaboration competition is separate from the GABF competition, and therefore the Collaboration Competition medals do not count towards GABF Brewery and Brewer of the Year awards.

All entrants in the Collaboration competition are expected to send one 1/6 bbl of the competing entry to be served at the Collaboration booth at the Great American Beer Festival. If you are unable to do so, please contact prior to registering to compete in the Collaboration competition.