Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am Competition
The Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am (GABF Pro-Am) competition is an opportunity for commercial breweries to team up with homebrewers to vie for top honors. The GABF Pro-Am entries are served during the Great American Beer Festival at the Pro-Am booth.

How it Works
Brewers Association member breweries are eligible to submit one entry into the GABF Pro-Am competition. Entries must be based on a homebrew recipe from American Homebrewers Association (AHA) members that have won an award in an AHA/BJCP Sanctioned Competition*. Pro-Am competition judges come from the same professional panel of world-class judges that evaluate all the beers at the Great American Beer Festival competition. However, the Pro-Am competition is separate from the GABF competition, and therefore the Pro-Am medals do not count towards GABF Brewery and Brewer of the Year awards.
All entrants in the Pro-Am competition are expected to send one 1/6 bbl of the competing entry to be served at the Pro-AM booth at the Great American Beer Festival. If you are unable to do so, please contact the GABF team prior to registering to compete in the Pro-Am competition.
Rules & Regulations for Pro-Am Competition
The Brewers Association and the American Homebrewers Association are proud to present the 18th Annual GABF Pro-Am Competition of the Great American Beer Festival. Please read all the Rules & Regulations before entering the GABF Pro-Am Competition.
Breweries may determine the homebrew recipes they scale up in one of three ways:
- Select an award-winning homebrew from an American Homebrewers Association (AHA)/Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP)-sanctioned homebrew competition held on or after July 1 of the previous year.
- Select an entry from your own brewery-run and/or AHA/BJCP-sanctioned competition held on or after July 1 of the previous year.
- Partner with a local homebrew club to organize an AHA/BJCP-sanctioned competition and select an entry from that competition held on or after July 1 of the previous year*
*Some exceptions to the entry timeframe may be made in the case of beers requiring extended aging. The nature of the competition is entirely up to the brewery and must be timed to give the brewery adequate time to brew the beer to be ready for entry to the competition. The brewery may choose to work with an existing competition or create their own. Breweries may restrict the styles eligible for Pro-Am entry selection to styles they can reasonably brew. For example, breweries may choose not to accept recipes for fruit beers, sour beers, or beer requiring extended aging, etc. Breweries brew the winning beer from the recipe submitted by the winning homebrewer.
Eligibility & Info
- Entry Cap: 54 entries (First come, First Served)
- Fee: $180 per entry
- All GABF eligibility rules apply to Pro-Am entries in addition to the following Pro-Am specific elements listed below
- Brewery Eligibility for Entry:
- Breweries must have at least one other brand in the GABF competition/festival to be eligible to compete in the Pro-Am Competition. Breweries may not enter ONLY the Pro-Am Competition.
- All brewery entrants must be members of the Brewers Association
- Homebrewer Eligibility:
- The winning homebrewer must be an AHA member at the time the brewery enters the GABF competition (June 2024) and must have a valid AHA membership at the time of the GABF (October 2024).
- Individual AHA members may be associated with no more than one entry submitted into the GABF Pro-Am Competition judging at the GABF.
- The homebrewer brewing their recipe with the professional brewery cannot be, or have ever been, an employee of that brewery or on the brewing staff—which includes employees involved in the brewing process or brewing production, e.g. brewer, lab technician, cellar crew, quality control, etc.—at any brewery. Employees of the Brewers Association are ineligible.
- See our Events Calendar for a calendar of upcoming AHA/BJCP-sanctioned competitions or go to the BJCP website to register a competition. Breweries may wish to partner with a local homebrew club or homebrew supply shop if they wish to organize their own competition.
- Beer Eligibility:
- Limited modifications of the recipe are allowed to accommodate the scale of commercial brewing and ingredients available to the brewery.
- Beers entered in the GABF Pro-Am competition must be commercially available. Commercially available means the entered brand has been available for sale at retail by September 3, 2024.
- Judging Info: GABF Pro-Am entries compete in best-of-show-style judging using the GABF Style Guidelines and a combination of BJCP and GABF judge panels are used for the judging. Entering brewers must provide the appropriate GABF category name and number along with any requested supplemental information for the entry to be judged correctly. Entries that do not include this information will not be accepted.
- Judges will determine the top three entries in the GABF Pro-Am Competition, which are awarded Gold, Silver, and Bronze GABF Pro-Am Competition medals during the GABF awards ceremony.
- Medals are issued to both the winning brewery and the winning homebrewer.
- The Pro-Am medals do not count towards Brewery of the Year awards, and therefore, are not counted for Brewery of the Year points.
- Licensing Agreement: All entrants, both professional and amateur brewers, must sign a Licensing Agreement prior to the submission of entries to the GABF. The Licensing Agreement limits and protects the way the GABF trademark is used.
Pro-Am Festival Beer Requirement
- Beer entered in the Pro-Am competition must be served at the festival in order to compete.
- Pro-Am beer is served at a designated GABF Pro-Am booth in the festival hall, thus is not counted toward the maximum number of beers that can be served at the brewery’s booth. However, the brewery may choose to offer the Pro-Am beer as one of their five festival beers at their brewery booth as well.
- Each beer entered in the Pro-Am competition is served during one of the three tasting sessions.
Pro-Am Sponsors
American Homebrewers Association

The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) has worked on behalf of the homebrewing community since 1978 and celebrates a membership of more than 30,000 homebrewers. The American Homebrewers Association organizes events including the NATIONAL HOMEBREWERS CONFERENCE and NATIONAL HOMEBREW COMPETITION. The AHA also publishes the bi-monthly magazine ZYMURGY.
Beer lovers and anyone interested in making their own homemade beer are invited to learn more at HOMEBREWERSASSOCIATION.ORG. Follow the AHA on INSTAGRAM and join us on FACEBOOK.